Ethical Policy

We are anti-capitalists, anti-greed, anti-exploitation, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-discrimination of LGBT people, pro-human rights, pro-equality, pro-global redistribution of wealth, pro-protection of the environment   And pro-non-violent revolutionary ideas.

And as such we try our very best to live up to our beliefs in our world of business. We don't always succeed - but we are always open to suggestions to help us achieve an even more environmentally non-destructive and non-exploitative existence. Where and when we do fall short of our ideals - it will usually be because either we were ignorant of the complete facts (for whatever reason) about a given product or service, or because, reluctantly, we weighed up certain issues and couldn't find/think of a better alternative to the way we were doing things (e.g. using a motor vehicle for deliveries).

- Do not take advantage of lower employment or manufacturing costs in developing countries
- Adhere to any Government recognised trading sanctions
- Will not trade with those countries that we believe to be violators of human rights
refuse to work with any client or prospective client who we have reason to consider exploits humans, animals or the environment unfairly.

The Banana Meinhoff team.